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Representing the collective identity of Bangladeshi Engineers in Singapore

About Membership

Every Bangladeshi engineer working in Singapore is invited to join this Overseas Chapter of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). Join OCIEBS for participating in the advancement of engineering profession and become a member of a vibrant community.


Like the parent organization IEB, OCIEBS membership has three categories – Fellowship, Membership and Associate Membership. These categories are based on the experience of the member in the engineering field.

In order to become a member of OCIEBS, then person must have the membership of IEB. Please select the ‘Membership Forms‘ tab to download the Forms and know more about it.

Membership Forms

Please click here to download the IEB Membership Form


Please click here to download the OCIEBS Membership Form


Pls note that the membership fees for OCIEBS is S$25 per annum. However,  the new applicant should pay S$30 for the 1st year only as S$5 will be taken for admin fees. The new applicants who are not a member of IEB should fill in both the membership application forms of IEB and OCIEBS and they should pay additional ~S$12 for the membership application of IEB provided the address used in the IEB application form is within Bangladesh territory. Otherwise, IEB will charge US$45 as a membership application fees.


For further clarification or query regarding membership, please feel free to email OCIEBS.

About membership
Membership Forms

Database Entry for Bangladeshi Engineers in Singapore

All Bangladeshi Engineers residing in Singapore are highly requested to fill up this form in order to enrich the OCIEBS database.

Database Entry for Bngladeshi Engineers in Singapore



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